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Wrist strap material and function


Suzhou wrist straps bring you to understand the material and function of the wrist strap.

With the advancement of technology and the development of technology, the electronics industry has put forward higher and higher requirements for ESD protection. From a technical point of view, electronic components continue to develop toward light, thin, short, small, high-density, multi-functional; especially for microelectronic devices, the sub-micron grid in COMS IC has become practical, and the width of the grid is only 0.18. Micron, the gate oxide film thickness is a few nanometers or a few AO, and its breakdown electrons are less than 20V. These changes make electronic components more sensitive to static electricity. At the same time, in the manufacturing and application environment of electronic components, various polymer materials as a source of static electricity are widely used, making the generation of static electricity easier and more flooding. Therefore, the electrostatic protection technology plays an increasingly important role in the electronic manufacturing control, and also puts forward higher requirements for the electrostatic protection technology itself.

Anti-static wrist strap is the most effective and practical equipment for human body static protection. The importance and extensiveness of the wrist strap are not repeated here. Here, I will take the product defects caused by materials, cost and technology in the existing wrist strap. Analyzing each other with everyone.

The wrist strap is mainly composed of two parts: a wrist ring and a wire assembly. The wrist ring is made of a plastic lining to form an integral part of the elastic band and the metal collecting piece by riveting, and is worn on the wrist of the person to be connected with the wire component, and then connected with the grounding system to form a grounding leakage passage, which is in the production process. The generated static electricity is released. We know that the human body is one of the largest sources of static electricity in the production process, and the wrist band as a human protective equipment inevitably comes into contact with other devices and objects to form a new source of static electricity. How to avoid and eliminate this harmful source is the key point we want to talk about.

The tight part of the wrist band and the human body is the wrist ring. The wrist ring is composed of three parts: a plastic lining, a metal collecting piece and an anti-static rubber band. The metal piece and the anti-static rubber band do not generate or accumulate static electricity due to the particularity of their materials. Only rubber sheets are currently mainly injection molded from polymer materials such as PP, nylon, and ABS, especially ABS, which is widely used due to its good plasticity, high strength, and easy coloring. However, due to their polymer properties and insulation, when they are worn on the wrist of a human body, it is easy to generate and accumulate static charges. Through experimental tests, the friction voltage is generally 300-2000V or higher, and it is dry in the north in winter, sometimes reaching 15000V. Above, this has created a new hazard. To eliminate this hazard, we can improve the plastic lining, add some high-tech anti-static additives to these polymer substrates, crush its polymer structure, and improve its resistance. The rate and surface density allow a "film" on the outer surface to reduce the generation of relative friction, thereby eliminating static buildup and reducing static generation. Through practice, we have formed this material, the friction voltage is controlled below 10V, which greatly improves the applicability and reliability of the wrist band.

"Doctors are benevolent." As a practitioner of ESD protection technology, we must provide professional products with professional quality and responsible professional conduct to effectively solve these decisive problems in the electronic process. In the anti-static consulting network, the colleagues are brought to the attention of this topic, together to promote the improvement and improvement of this product, and thus promote the progress and development of our industry.

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