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Professional clean room cleaning and cleaning, one of the cleaning steps can not be less


Suzhou clean cloth manufacturers: professional clean clothes cleaning and cleaning, one of the cleaning steps can not be less.

Many purchases that have not been exposed to dust-free cleaning have questioned the professional purification and cleaning of Tianjin's strength. They said that their previous clean clothes were for employees to take home and clean themselves, but they also washed cleanly. Why are they still looking for? Are you so troublesome? There is nothing professional and unprofessional in washing clothes. You don't know, this simple operation may cause secondary pollution of the clean clothes, and completely turned into a "dusty suit."

Purifying clean clothes is not an ordinary work clothes, and its cleanliness is not self-contained, but can be done by professional purification and cleaning. The process of purifying and cleaning is not as simple as cleaning ordinary clothes. Each step cannot be omitted. The following is a professional purification and cleaning process.

1) After sorting and receiving the clean clothes to be washed by the customer, sort them first, then store them in a covered plastic box to prevent the pollution from increasing.

2) Pre-treatment, repairing and repairing some damages and broken buttons that occur during the use of clean clothing. Pre-decontamination treatment of special dirty clean clothes to be cleaned.

3) Clean and clean pre-cleaned dust-free clothes are washed by the washing machine in the non-control zone dedicated channel structure and enter the control area (clean room)

4) Clean, clean and clean clean clothes in the clean room by a dust-free dryer (the dried hot air used must be filtered by HEPA)

5) Folding inspection, drying of the clean clothing after folding, and at the same time visual inspection, failed to pass the inspection needs to re-enter the cleaning process to clean or be replaced

6) Cleanliness test, roller (HelmkeDrum) tester, can clean the clean dust particles after cleaning.

7) ESD test and ESD performance check to ensure the anti-static performance of clean clean clothes.

8) Purification and packaging, through all the inspection of the purification work clothes, sealed packaging after purification bags, it becomes a qualified product, can be used again in the clean room.

9) Delivery to the factory, in order to provide customers with more convenient and efficient service, the clean clothes after cleaning are delivered to the customer by a special person.


Nowadays, electronic products are developing rapidly, and it is inseparable from anti-static products such as anti-static clothing and anti-static shoes. Many purchases are related to the long service life of anti-static clothing, the service life of anti-static clothing and his maintenance and storage. It is inseparable.

Maintain anti-static clothing to keep it clean, keep dry, prevent insects, protect clothes, etc. Clothing with different materials such as cotton, wool, silk and chemical fiber should be classified and stored. Clothing with different uses such as outerwear, winter clothes, and overalls should also be stored separately. Different colors of clothing should also be classified and stored, which not only prevents mutual contamination and cross-color, but also is easy to use and manage.

First of all, keep it clean: the rooms and cabinets that store the clothes should be kept clean, free of foreign matter and dust, to prevent foreign matter and dust from contaminating the clothing, and to be disinfected regularly. The anti-static clothing should be cleaned before being stored in the collection. After wearing, the clothing will be polluted by the outside world and human secretions. If these contaminants are not cleaned in time, they will adhere to the clothing for a long time, and will gradually penetrate into the inside of the fabric fibers over time, and it is difficult to remove them. In addition, the pollutants on these garments can also contaminate other garments. The dirt composition on the antistatic suit is extremely complicated. Some of the chemically active substances, which react slowly with fabric fibers and dyes under appropriate temperature and humidity, can cause the garment to become hard or change color, which not only affects its appearance, but also The fabric fastness is reduced, thereby losing the wearing value of the garment. If the dirt on the leather garment is not cleaned in time, the leather plate will be hard and lose its elasticity for a long time, and it is difficult to wear.

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