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Dust-free cloth composition and cutting method


Clean cloth manufacturers share the dust-free cloth composition and cutting method.

Ordinary fiber is 100% single-layer polyester fiber, ultra-fine fiber is 75% polyester + 25% nylon; according to the weaving method can be divided into: S-plain, D-knit; according to the edge can be divided into: no edge ( Cold cutting), laser edge sealing, ultrasonic narrow edge sealing, ultrasonic wide pressing edge and hot cutting edge banding; can be divided according to size: 4"*4" 6"*6" 9"*9" 12"*12" 18"*18"36"*36" and various sizes, can also be made according to customer's requirements for other specifications of clean cloth;

1. No edge sealing (cold cutting): It is mainly cut directly by electric scissors. This kind of cutting method is easy to produce dander, and it can not be cleaned after cutting. During the wiping process, a large amount of cloth dust will be generated on the side, no clean. Degree. Generally not recommended.

2. Laser cutting: By laser high-temperature melting, the edge sealing is better than the phenomenon of chipping. After cutting, it can be cleaned and cleaned, so that the product can reach a high dust-free standard. The disadvantage is because It is melted, so it will be a bit harder. There is usually no problem in the process of wiping. 75% of the market uses this method of edge banding.

3. Ultrasonic edge sealing: the vibration generated by the ultrasonic vibration group (vibrator) (converts electrical energy into mechanical energy), passes the heat through the HORN (welding head), and then breaks the fabric through the cutter. This edge is currently The most perfect one in the dust-free cloth cutting method, the edge-sealing effect is good and the edges are not hard, but the cutting method is too expensive. The market share is about 15%.


1. When using and unpacking, you need to bring dust-free gloves and a mask.

2. The dust-free cloth can be wiped with a solvent or wiped directly. It is convenient to use.

3. When wiping, use the four sides of the clean cloth to be inside. Do not touch the surface area of the wipe with the edge of the clean cloth.

4. When using high-end dust-free cloth, it is necessary to disassemble the inner packaging bag in a clean environment, and clean the packaging bag before unpacking, especially the opening must be kept clean.

5. When using in operation, the dust-free cloth must be kept flat and can not be smashed. When moving and wiping, try to make the fiber of the cloth and the surface of the cloth completely contact, and also ensure that the cloth is wiped in the same direction. , you can not repeat the wipe back and forth.

Previous:Anti-static wrist strap2018-07-03
Next:Dust-free cloth2018-07-03

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