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Anti-static shoes technical requirements


Anti-static clothing manufacturers have to understand the technical requirements of anti-static shoes.

1, wearing place

1.1 anti-static rubber sole shoes

        Anti-static rubber soles are mainly used to prevent burning and explosions caused by static electricity in the human body (for example, some places in the rubber, chemical, printing, medical, electronics, etc. industries). At the same time, it can also avoid electric shock and fire to the human body caused by accidental electrical equipment below 250V.

1.2 For the maintenance of power equipment or the handling of high-voltage electrical equipment, there is a risk of electric shock, it is forbidden to wear anti-static rubber sole shoes.

2, performance indicators

2.1 Electrical performance indicators

        During the wearing period of the shoes, the measurement is carried out according to GB4386-84 "Antistatic rubber sole shoes, conductive rubber soles resistance value measurement method". The resistance of the sole of the antistatic rubber sole must be in the range of 0.5×10^5 Ω to 1.0×10^8 Ω.

2.2 Other performance indicators

2.2.1 Other performance requirements of anti-static rubber sole shoes and conductive rubber sole shoes must meet the national standards and technical requirements of the corresponding footwear.

2.2.2 When designing and selecting materials for antistatic rubber sole shoes and conductive rubber sole shoes, it must be considered that the resistance of the sole of the shoe is minimally changed under the influence of wear and pollution.

2.2.3 Anti-static rubber sole shoes and conductive rubber sole shoes with special requirements (for example, need to have acid, alkali, oil and other properties) should also comply with the corresponding technical standards.

3, wear requirements

3.1 In order to ensure the elimination of the static electricity of the human body, when wearing anti-static rubber sole shoes, the resistance of the ground should be no more than 1.0×10^8Ω; when wearing conductive rubber sole shoes, the resistance of the ground should be no more than 1.5× 10^5Ω.

3.2 In the process of wearing the shoes, the bottom of the anti-static rubber sole shoes and conductive rubber sole shoes shall not be exposed to insulating impurities.

3.3 During the wearing of the shoes, take care to avoid wearing thick socks with strong insulation or wool, as well as insulating insoles.

Previous:Anti-static shoes difference2019-03-28

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